The Unstoppable Nathiely Jesus

The Unstoppable Nathiely Jesus

I first saw Nathiely compete when she was a purple belt at the 2015 Pan Championships. She stood out, literally and figuratively, dominating her divisions. Since then, I have always kept an eye out for her as someone I wanted to watch, always fighting for the finish.

She rose quickly through the ranks, winning both Pans and Worlds at purple in 2015, then at brown in 2016. She received her black belt after the 2016 Worlds, and her winning streak didn’t slow. In her first year at black, she won the American Nationals (double gold), No Gi Worlds (double gold), the Europeans, multiple Grand Slams, the Abu Dhabi Pro, and F2W Pro, to name a few. She also won the award for Best International Female Black Belt. 

Now, she has capped the season off by winning the 2017 IBJJF Worlds, becoming a black belt World champion. What is left for this girl to do? I can tell you this, she’s not planning to slow down anytime soon. It is my pleasure to introduce you to Nathiely Karoline de Jesus.

Name: Nathiely Karoline de Jesus

Age: 21

Team: Cícero Costha 

Where are you from, and where do you currently train? 

Nathi: I am from São Paulo, and I train in Ipiranga, São Paulo.

How long have you been training? 

Eight years. 

How did you first get involved in Jiu-Jitsu? 

I started first in Judo, then I migrated to Jiu-Jitsu when I was 13.

How much do you train every week?

In São Paulo, I train five days a week, but when I am in Texas, I train a little more.

What do you do to prepare for a big competition like the Worlds? 

I like to always be competing, to pick up rhythm and more and more confidence. It’s not really an obligation, but I do it for love.

Do you have to follow a strict diet? What are your favorite foods to eat? 

Not necessarily. I eat everything. Sometimes I need to diet, but not all of the time. I eat a little of everything.

What are some of the challenges you have faced along your journey as a competitor? 

I think the greatest difficulty for athletes is in relation to sponsorship because, in the beginning, everything is very difficult.

Congratulations on your recent world title! How did it feel to win the Worlds as a black belt? What was your toughest match?

I'm very happy to have won the Worlds in my first year as a black belt. I trained a lot for that and I did not have an easy fight. Everyone was prepared and every fight was a final.

Do you get nervous before you compete? What do you do to get mentally ready?  

Nowadays, I am a little calmer. Always before fighting I ask the protection of God, and I only listen to music that makes me very concentrated. 

What kind of music you like to listen to before you compete? 

I like to listen to songs that make me feel, like hip hop.

What is your favorite submission? 

I really like the armlock more lately. I have also been finishing a lot with the choke from the back.

You decided not to compete at the Pans this year, and went to the Grand Slam instead. Why did you make that choice? 

I wanted to be the first in the ranking, and for this I had to choose to fight in the Grand Slam instead of the Pans.

You've won pretty much everything this year. Now that you are a black belt World champion, what's next? What are some of your goals for the future?  

I will continue training hard for other competitions. I still do not know which will be the next, but I want to be prepared.

Do you have any hobbies outside of Jiu-Jitsu? 

I love going to the movies, amusement parks, and trying new restaurants, hahahahaha.

What is some advice you would give to other girls (or guys) who want to be competitors?  

Never give up on your dreams. At the beginning, everything is difficult. Trust in yourself, and especially in God, because he has the best for each one of us.

Anything else you want us to know about you? 

My greatest supporters are my mother and my fiancé. 

Any shout-outs you want to give? 

I just wanna say focus, strength, and faith.

nick mitria